("Highcroft" or "the Company")
Result of General Meeting
Highcroft announces that at the General Meeting that was held today the sole resolution requesting the board to actively seek a merger with a larger quoted property company or an orderly sale of the Company's assets and subsequent distribution of the proceeds to the Company's shareholders was not passed. In this vote 72.6% of the Company's issued share capital was voted, in person or by proxy. Of the votes cast 69.3% voted against the resolution and 30.7% in favour.
Consequently, the Company will continue to focus on delivering shareholder value through actively managing the current property portfolio and using our sound financial position to take advantage of opportunistic property acquisitions. The Company remains committed to a progressive dividend policy.
John Hewitt / Roberta Miles 01865 840 023
Highcroft Investments PLC
Dugald Carlean / Karri Vuori 020 7149 6000
Charles Stanley Securities